Thursday, December 15, 2016

Tummy Tuck Philippines- Swelling Reduction Tips for Tummy Tuck Recovery

An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck procedure is a surgical option that is utilized to reduce skin and fat deposits located in the abdominal region. The treatment is carried out by a plastic or cosmetic surgeon, and typically needs a period of a minimum three week in initial recovery time. Although swelling is a normal aspect of the healing process, generally there are ways to reduce it during your recovery. In this article, we will summarize a few tips and tricks to help you through.

1. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. While you may believe that the excess water consumption will result in bloatedness and added water weight, the actual problem is bowel irregularity. Most patients encounter constipation due to the pain medications supplied post-operation, adding to the swelling of the abdomen all through the recovery. This can be helped by a daily consumption of water soften bowel movement.

2 . Decrease your salt intake. Excess sodium results in bloating and water retention, most significantly in the tummy area. In order to avoid this, cut down fast food meals and other food items which are high in sodium content, including chips, salted nuts, canned soups, and pretzels throughout the recovery process.

3. Exercise carefully, with gradual progression and with caution. Whilst you do not want to strain your whole body, it will not hurt to get up and off the couch every now and then. Start out by chatting and walking with others around the block the first week, improving your stride as you feel it suitable. Refrain from jogging, abdominal crunches, or stretching on the first 4 to 6 weeks, as such activities only increase swelling and will only prolong your recovery period.

4. Stay clear or avoid caffeine. Caffeine only helps water retention, thus producing additional swelling. Avoid drinking sodas, coffee drinks, as well as tea. Caffeine pills should also be avoided..

5. A massage can be good for you like endormology. Have a discussion with your surgeon whether a massage treatment is suitable to your condition. If you have had additional procedures alongside your tummy tuck surgery Manila , it may be suggested that you participate in some other activity. If deemed appropriate, wait at least two weeks into your recovery prior to arranging an appointment. Make sure to discuss your situation with your health care provider in order to prevent aggravating your scars. Massage therapy are a wonderful way to help increase blood flow and drainage of fluids that can build or build-up during post-surgery.

6. Be sure to discuss any questions or issues with your doctor regarding your tummy tuck procedure. Every operation is different, and you should be aware of the do's and don'ts prior to taking part in any activity or serious diet change.

Watch on Youtube |  Tummy Tuck Surgery Manila Philipines

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Tummy Tuck Philippines - Complementary Treatment After Bariatric Surgery

Abdominoplasty or commonly know as tummy tuck procedure is a procedure performed to make the abdomen flat and firm. The procedure involves the removal or excision of excess, sagging and inelastic abdominal skin and fats particularly at the lower central abdomen. The procedure also involves the tightening of the muscle and facial of the abdominal wall. This procedure is often sought by patients with loose tissues that appears after pregnancy and major weight lost.

Tummy Tuck Philippines

Tummy tuck vary in extent and are frequently subdivided into categories depending on the amount of excess skin and fats. This would be mini tuck, complete tummy tuck, extended abdominoplasty, circumferential abdominoplasty and combined liposuction with abdominoplasty which is also called Saldania technique. This procedure may take 1 to 5 hours to complete, usually patient are put under regional anesthesia that is combined with IV sedation. Initially there may be bruising and discomfort after surgery that may last only for several days to weeks.

It is becoming much more and much more typical for patients to combine tummy tuck surgery with other procedures such as liposuction and breast surgery or male chest reduction - performing this can minimize the down time and leave you with a physique you are able to feel proud of and have self-confidence in.
There isn't any set price for tummy tuck surgery as every single patient is different and treated on an completely individual, case-by-case basis. In order to obtain a quote that is particular to you, find your nearest clinic and please book in for the free consultation with 1 of our nurses to discuss your specifications in total self-confidence. The price you are given will include every thing from the procedure itself, to the cost of the overnight stay and following care appointments - there are no hidden expenses.

Any cosmetic surgery procedure in the Philippines , like tummy tuck surgery involves many choices. The first and most important is selecting a surgeon. Your surgeon should have at least completed 5 to 7 years of surgical training. He or she is trained and experienced in all plastic surgery procedure, including breast, body, face and reconstruction. Your surgeon should be able to operate in accredited medical facilities. And most importantly he or she, should be board certified in his or her surgical specialty.

Watch on Youtube | Tummy Tuck Surgery Manila Philipines 


Friday, October 7, 2016

Ultimate Guide On Breast Augmentation

In our modern age, having a pretty face is simply not enough. People prefer a perfect body as well . Now, thanks to modern advancement in medicine technology, you can have the body that you always wanted. Breast Augmentation is one of those procedure that you try to improve the way you look. For more information regarding Breast augmentation Philippines , do check out the website.
Breast Augmentation can either be the insertion of breast implants or fat.


•    You think your breasts are too small for your body.
•    Your breasts didn’t look the same prior pregnancy, weight loss.
•    Your breasts are fully developed.
•    Your breast are asymmetrical.

Breast Implants

There are two types of breast implants: saline and silicone.
Saline breast implants are filled with sterile salt water. This one much safer because in an event that implants will leak, the saline will just be absorbed by the body.
Silicone breast implants are filled with silicone gel. Many prefer this before because feels more natural. In choosing this, regular checkup is needed to ensure that the implant is in condition. Ultrasound or MRI is used to assess whether the implant has ruptured. Removal of the implant is usually the solution whenever the silicone implant will leak.

Cohesive gel silicone (“gummy bear” or “form stable”) implants are filled with a cohesive gel. This came from silicone too, but a bit thicker and firmer than traditional silicone implants
Since the breasts continue to develop until early 20’s, you have be at least 18 years old to have a breast augmentation with saline breast implants and 22 years old on the silicone breast implants.
Fat Transfer
The fat transfer augmentation is basically fat coming for the other parts of your body that is injected into the breast.


Prior to the procedure you may ask to:
•    Stop smoking at least six weeks before surgery to promote healing.
•    Avoid drugs that can increase bleeding.


The Breast Augmentation is a major surgery that usually takes one to two hours and you’re under the general anesthesia.

Different cuts/ incisions would be made depending on the implant to be used, your body structure and the degree of enlargement. It can also be the patient’s preference.  The incisions can be around your nipples (preareolar incision), under your arms (transaxillary incision) and under breast (inframammary incision).
The breast implant is inserted into a pocket under the pectoral muscle or directly behind the breast tissue.
After the implant is inserted and position, the incision is closed via sutures, surgical tape/skin adhesive.


Like any surgical procedure, breast augmentation has risks that include:
•    Infection
•    Pain
•    Scarring
•    Change sensation in the nipple or breast
•    Bleeding


After the surgery, you may need to wear surgical bra while healing.
No lifting of heavy objections until 6 weeks post operation.
The doctors may prescribed you with pains medications, or an over-the-counter pain medication to relieve discomfort.


Breast implants may need to be replaced if complication arise and if shape and size change.
MRI scan is needed for silicon breast implant every three years after surgery.
Regular breast self-examination are also encouraged.

Watch on Youtube :  Breast Augmentation Philippines by The Renewed You Aesthetic Clinic
Before and after photo gallery

Friday, August 19, 2016

Tummy Tuck Philippines - Difference Between Tummy Tuck and Liposuction

People often get confused between tummy tuck and liposuction, and how they differ. Yes, both procedure may have similar goal that is to improve or enhance body contour, but generally there still exists a great distinction between them and the effects that each of the two provide. The general rule is that you should first consult your doctor before going for any of these procedures.

Let us just explain for those who are unfamiliar about these two procedures, and what they are all about. Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty, is a major cosmetic surgery which is carried out on the lower abdomen of a patient, to make a tummy look flatter and tighter. This is a procedure of choice for patients that has excess and sagging skin; while liposuction is a less invasive and advanced cosmetic procedure that address excess fats only to enhance body contour. Liposuction is not good for patients that lost massive with that has excessive sagging skin. Because liposuction will not be able to remove or excise the excess sagging skin. Though there are times that patients may have mild sagging skin, then liposuction may be an option since liposuction may be just enough to stimulate skin contraction after fat aspiration. Then excision will not needed.

Tummy Tuck Procedure

The fat deposits at the central tummy and lower abdominal area is very difficult to get rid of. People try rigorous weight loss programs and diet plan and yet complain about having a pot belly. This is when a need for a tummy tuck might be considered.  Before liposuction was invented, tummy tuck was performed thoroughly and it is still carried out when the need arises. It involves the elimination of a large amount of skin from the abdominal area together with fats.
In this procedure, a general anesthesia is administered to the individual after which a surgical incision is made between the two hip-bones, that is the entire area between it. An incision is additionally created near the belly button to reposition the navel when the abdominal skin is pulled down excessively. The skin which has unwanted and too much fat is then removed from the abdomen. One can also have the option of skin tightening. It is carried out by stitching the abdominal muscles together. This entire procedure is completed by pulling down the excess skin and cutting it off. Tummy tucks also involve the formation of a new belly button by a surgically-made one, after the incisions are stitched.

Liposuction Procedure
Liposuction is a more advanced  and less invasive cosmetic procedure compared with the tummy tuck surgery. In this procedure, a vacuum machine combined with laser or ultrasound devise is used to carry out the suction of excess fat from the body. Liposuction entail local anesthesia and a few incisions near the abdominal area. With the help of surgical vacuum, the extra fat deposits are eliminated by suction process after which the incisions are stitched. Liposuction does not require any supplanting of the belly button. Some extra skin is typically left after the process of liposuction but it also leads to shrinkage in the skin after the elimination of body fat, which makes up for the same. Liposuction is not good for patients that has massive or sagging excess abdominal skin, for these patients tummy tuck procedure will be the best option.

Tummy Tuck Vs. Liposuction

Tummy tuck procedure should only be considered if you want to remove very large amount of skin. This is the reason why a liposuction is suitable for majority of the patients. You should identify whether the problem is the belly fat. A tummy tuck will eliminate excess skin and will tighten up your abdominal muscles, whilst a liposuction will take away majority of the fat cells leaving the skin with normal elasticity. Liposuction would be appropriate for people who are close to the ideal weight and with no abdominal wall or muscle laxity and who don't want the skin to be tighter. And for women who have undergone pregnancies, a tummy tuck surgery is the solution for tightening their loose skin and a flatter tummy as a result.

There are cases in which tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is also combined with liposuction procedure. This is called Saldana Procedure. This is best for patients with excessive sagging abdominal skin with excess abdominal fats.

Prior to making any decision, I strongly encourage on consulting an expert doctor's option concerning this issue. After the consultation and the procedure, you should be able to make a great improvement and acquire a greater boost of self confidence with an improved body.

Regardless of what cause you've for wanting to obtain an abdominoplasty or liposuction , make certain that you are deciding to do it for yourself and not for someone else. The important thing is the way you really feel about your personal physique and shape.

For more information regarding Tummy Tuck Philippines check out our blog site.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Breast Augmentation - Affordable Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Philippines

Breast augmentation, technically known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that enhances the size and shape of a woman's breast with the use of breast implant (silicon or saline). The procedure also enhances breast contour and volume after pregnancy. Breast implant is composed of silicon gel or saline within a silicon shell. Breast implant is different from silicon oil. Most Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon all over the world doesn’t do silicon oil injection of breast to enhance breast size and volume. This technique is condemned both locally and internationally by most surgeon, since the result are unpredictable and compounded by numerous complications such as extrusion, skin necrosis and infection.

For additional information regarding breast augmentation Philippines, you can check out this Ultimate Guide on Breast Augmentation here  .

Patients should not allow them self to be subjected to this procedure, because the risk for unwanted complication is very high and result are deforming or unpredictable. Most surgeon uses Breast Implant which is composed of material that is non toxic, non allergenic, non teratogenic and biocompatible to human tissues and thus have less risk for any unwanted results and with more predictable outcome.

This is one of the most common cosmetic procedures done world wide specially in the United State. It is a straight forward procedure with a very instantaneous and pleasing result. Because of this, the public's attention and interest focused on the search of a very safe breast implant material. Breast Augmentation is the only procedure in cosmetic plastic surgery specialty that is the surrounded by controversy and scrutiny. In the past, specially during the late 70's and early 80's a lot of medical condition such as breast cancer and autoimmune disease, was wrongfully associated with the use of silicon implant. Because of this the US Food and Drug Administration had regulated the use of silicon breast implant for cosmetic breast procedures until recently in mid 2007. After extensive clinical research study that included more than a thousand breast augmented women, it was found out that silicon breast implant does not cause any malignant disease or breast cancer or any autoimmune disorder. Because of this the US - FDA had approve the use of silicon implant in cosmetic breast procedure.

There are 2 basic types of breast implants, saline or silicon implants. The implant is compose of an outer membrane compose of silicon shell. This shell contains either saline (fluid) or silicon (cohesive gel) material. It is prudent for every patient to discus extensively the advantage and disadvantage of each implant type with their surgeon before they finalize their decision.

Breast Augmentation procedure is performed under deep sedation with local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The procedure can be done either as an outpatient surgery or patient can be admitted or confine for a day or two in a hospital, depending on the surgeon and patient's preference. Wether the procedure will be performed as an out-patient or as a hospital procedure, preoperative laboratory and medical clearances are required. The surgery usually takes one to two hours to complete. The breast implant can be inserted through an incision at armpit or breast folds or at the areolar border. Each choice of incision site has its own advantage and disadvantage in terms of scar cosmesis and nipple sensation. And among the three incisions the transaxillary approach has the best scar cosmesis since it is concealed and nipple sensation is well preserve. But it is advisable to the patient to further discus this issue if ever scaring will be a significant concern. After the procedure there will be some swelling and mild bruising that last for several days to few weeks and this is only a transient changes. Patient is required to wear breast binder for 3 to 6 weeks. This will hold the breast implant in place during the healing process and also help control the swelling. Sutures are removed after 7 to 10 days.

Any patient planning to have this procedure will require 10 to 14 days for the initial consultation, laboratory, medical clearance, surgery; follow up, suture removal and early recuperation. After this patient is safe to travel since wounds are dry and healed.

Watch On Youtube | Breast Augmentation Manila Philippines by The Renewed You Aesthetic 

Planning on getting a cosmetic surgery procedure? We recommend:

The Renewed You Aesthetic Center,Suite 1007, 10th floor, Medical Plaza Building Amorsolo St., Cor., Dela Rosa St., Legaspi Village Makati City, PhilippinesMobile numbers::( 63) 918-942-9879( 63) 917-892-0647Landline numbers::( 632) 5148675( 632) 8124561

Friday, June 24, 2016

Liposuction Philippines - Choosing The Right Doctor For Your Liposuction

The good results of liposuction considerably depend on the surgeon performing the process as well as the technique used. Therefore, whenever you are considering going for liposuction, you have to select the right surgeon for your procedure. This is the first and important step that you need to take that will greatly affect outcome or your desired results. You need to be able to hold consultations with various surgeons so that you discover or know their skills, experience and results.

The first thing that you have to see in your surgeon or doctor, is that if he/she was able to guide or help you understand more about the procedure, was he able to help you know if you are a good candidate for the procedure you plan to have and was he/she able to help you prepare emotionally with procedure by discussing its after effect and what to expect after liposuction. It isn't just enough that he is trained physician. There is need for you to choose a surgeon who's trained in hi def liposuction technology. This really is a procedure that produces excellent results and is fairly safe provided that patient is properly selected and prepares for surgery.

Because it's your body, you should have the ability to express your desired outcome. You should only go for liposuction from a surgeon who's willing to listen to you. He should carefully sculpt the body so as to produce a stunning look at the finish of it. Therefore, you have to sit down with the surgeon prior to liposuction and clarify the locations that you want treated.
The surgeon should also have the ability to study patient's body profile or physique or build in order to figure out how the liposuction procedure  affect patients body contour and if the results desired by the patients are desirable. This really is important to ensure that you get all-natural looking results. No one wants to look funny or artificial after their surgery. Consequently, you need to select a liposuction surgeon who features a deep understanding of human anatomy and how it functions.
Safety should come first more than anything else. This also applies to hi def liposuction. You should pick out a surgeon who can advise you on how much your body can take. You should not blindly go for extreme fat removal in a single day as this can end up harming the body. Consequently, you have to discuss safety issues with the surgeon before undergoing hi def liposuction.
Surgeons have to be registered and certified by the relevant bodies. They ought to also have a certification as well.

Consequently, these are some of the issues you need to find out when selecting a surgeon. It is prudent that you ask for board certification and qualification of physicians, and as soon as you receive proof of this, you are able to be assured that you're in secure or safe hands.

You need to also be cautious with advertising hype when planning to have a high def liposuction. There are some surgeons who will probably try to sell you low costs or packages for liposuction. Some of those people take your focus off the main thing which is the process itself and its safety. These might not be qualified surgeons.

Therefore, when selecting a surgeon, you should pick 1 who lets his works speak for itself. He should not be attempting to sell you low prices and not telling you about hi def liposuction. This really is the only assurance you have that the physician knows what he is doing. He ought to also be able to clarify how the new technology functions to ensure that you understand everything prior to signing up for hi def liposuction.

The success of  liposuction in the Philippines  significantly depends upon the surgeon performing the procedure as well as the technology used. Therefore, when you are thinking about going for liposuction, you need to select the right surgeon. This really is the only assurance you've that you will get the desired results.

Watch on Youtube| Tummy Tuck Surgery Philippines

Friday, June 10, 2016

Facelift Philippines - When Is the Best Time To Have A Facelift?

 Facelift surgery is designed to reduce signs of age. It enhances one's facial contours and decreases fine lines as well as wrinkles, providing long-lasting results. You can tell the signs of age along the face such as wrinkles, lax skin, and deposits of excess fat often becomes noticeable when a person reaches his or her late 30s, while most patients who undergo facelift surgery are in their mid-40s to early 70s.

So when is the best time to have a facelift surgery? It really depends since signs of age and an individual's needs and goals are so unique and distinct among each patient, the answer to that question varies from person to person.
Presently there are some factors to take into account before planning for this surgery. One needs to have reasonable goals, realistic expectations and realize that it will merely firm up the excessive loose skin on the face and neck. A strong bone structure and well-defined jaw line also helps. It is better that the person's skin has some suppleness and suppleness. People who suffer from illnesses like allergies, diabetes, high blood pressure or a cardiovascular disease are advised not to go for this surgery unless they have been properly treated or their conditions are controlled medically.

If one meets the criteria, preoperative directions are consist of quitting smoking as it intervenes with the treatment, healing and normally causes skin to age; and stopping the consumption of blood thinning medicines like aspirin.

The facelift surgical procedure is outpatient and is carried out under sedation or  general anesthesia. The cosmetic surgeon makes an incision which extends downwards along the ear along its natural curve. This makes certain that the scars remain concealed. If excess skin is to be removed from the neck area then the incision is created under the chin. The facial skin is then taken apart from the underlying tissues. After removing the required excess skin, the facial skin is moved in a way that the skin will look more firm, hence youthful looking. The skin is then sutured and dressing is used to protect the wounds. If the patient wishes to remove excess fat as well, it can be carried out using liposuction. The facelift surgery may be carried out with other cosmetic facial procedures like the blepharoplasty which is eyelid surgery.

Facelift Philippines

After the facelift surgery is properly carried out, the patient will take a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks to recuperate during which any strenuous activity should be avoided. Some irritation or swelling may be experienced by the patient around the surgical area. Such swelling generally settles down in a couple of days, but if it doesn't, keeping the head at an elevated level when sleeping will aid to reduce the swelling. Also, drainage tubes may be placed to lessen the swelling and remove any excess blood. The patient may also encounter tautness in the facial skin. The doctor will also advise one to walk as it helps blood circulation and will prevent blood clots from forming.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Why Women Choose Breast Augmentation

There are varied reasons why women choose to undergo breast enhancement or augmentation surgery. It might be that they may have low self esteem or not confident at the way they look or for some they are just trying or attempting to regain some sense of normalcy, so they decide to go under the knife. The important thing is to make it a personal decision rather than doing it because of peer pressure, that is choosing it because everyone patient feel and see the needs to have it done. Also women planning to have breast enhancement should seek consult to discuss their options with surgeon trained to do such procedure. breast augmentation philippines

Apart from making your own decision, it is also important to choose a highly trained cosmetic surgeon with years of experience. It is a must to choose wisely and evaluate your option to minimize unwanted result and maximize good outcome. By doing this as a precaution prior to surgery, you can be sure to get the best results possible.

Choosing the ideal breast size is really an extremely personal decision for every women. This will be affected by several factors like shoulder width, chest circumference, amount of skin or laxity of skin at the chest, height and hip width. Changing or increasing breast size has become the most favored reason for cosmetic surgery in the United States and even in Asian countries. Every woman may have  her own reason to improve their bosoms. All the these lead to one important factor, which is to make every woman really feel great about herself. 

The most common reason females have breast augmentation is the size. Numerous ladies are just unhappy with the size of their breasts. This might be simply because they've been tormented for having small breast as they grew up. It may be simply because they don't fill out a dress or blouse the way that it is intended or the way they want to look. No matter what their reason may be person or otherwise, it all boils down to the reality that their chest is just not sufficient size to make them feel confident. To learn more about breast augmentation procedures, we came up with a Ultimate Guide to Breast Augmentation here.

An additional reason is for mothers to improve their appearance especially those who just gave birth. Women who've had baby frequently want their bodies to be the way they had been prior to pregnancy. In this situation often breast augmentation is combined with tummy tuck and butt lift. With this they are able to reclaim their previous body profile before pregnancy. For numerous women, it's a great increase to their self-esteem to possess several children yet still have the body they had been accustomed to before childbirth.

Breast Augmentation In The Philippines

Filipinas here and abroad choose breast augmentation because they want their breasts to become exactly the same size or to have better symmetry. Significant number of women do have breast asymmetry in that one breast is bigger or smaller than the opposite breast. Not only that this is an embarrassing condition, it could also make it tough to select clothes that fit or conceal their breast condition.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Facelift - Rhytidectomy, Facial Rejuvenation Overview

Rhytidectomy or commonly known as Facelift can reduce and address the sagging skin, deep cheek folds, and jowls at the lower part of the jaw of the face and neck, making these areas more youthful in appearance. Plastic surgeons usually divide the face into 3 general parts, the upper, mid and the lower 3rd. Aging affects these areas of the face in different way. At the upper third, there is the transverse line of the forehead and the glabellar frown line. Middle 3rd you would note the deepening of the Nasolabial folds, sagging of the cheek skin and hallowing of the suborbital area. And at the lower third there are the jowls, marionette lines and the platismal bands at the neck-mandible area. Due to aging and other multifactorial cause, the support structure and skin of the face loosen. facelift markings
Facelift or mini facelift surgery is a procedure that would resuspend or reposition the soft tissue of the face to obtain a youthful appearance. The scars from the incision lines are mostly hidden within the hairline or within normal lines of the face and neck, making it inconspicuous once it matures. This is usually performed, either under local or general anesthesia depending on the extent of the face lift procedure and usually requires a short hospital stay for patient undergoing a full face lift. The patient will experience some temporary skin discoloration, swelling and a certain amount of tightness or numbness in the face and ears that usually resolve after 7 to 10 days. Healing takes time and is gradual, so be patient and expect several weeks or months for optimal results.
Cosmetic procedure either surgical or non surgical are very cheap and affordable in the Philippines when compared to other western countries like the United State (USA), United Kingdom and Canada. Because of this a lot of prospective clients that are very much interested in physical enhancement could avail the services of certified and fully trained Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon at a much lower cost. Since physical enhancement is your prime objective. Cost or Price should not be your main consideration, but your Surgeon’s qualification, training and experience should be your priority. Give time and effort in knowing your Surgeon.
Patient safety and quality results is our priority. Take the opportunity to discuss all your options with our certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon for free. With a very affordable cosmetic surgery procedure packages, while having your vacation in the Philippines. Any cosmetic plastic procedure could be a worthwhile and extraordinary experience for both the patient and surgeon, if this is done in the light of surgical standards in term of safety. In order for you to attain the best results for the procedure you are interested without compromising your safety and health, we advice you to bring up all your concerns to a Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon with proper qualification and training in the field of Cosmetic/Aesthetic Surgery.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in the Philippines

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in the Philippines is a evolving industry. Gradually, the country is becoming a well known hub for Medical Tourism or Cosmetic Medical Tourism.

Philippine Plastic Surgery is a multi-faceted specialty that combines form, function, technique, and principle. It may encompass any area of the body not only the skin. While the details of various procedures are important, the basic principles allow plastic surgeons to solve unusual problems and to apply known procedures to any body part. An improvement in a person's appearance also improves self image and provides a feeling of emotional and physical well-being.

Fortunately, more and more people are discovering the truth about plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is a worthwhile interaction between the surgeon and patient when done according to the accepted standards of safety and technique. Today's modern techniques and proven procedures can help you, not only to look better but feel better as well. Risks and complications are inherent parts of any cosmetic or aesthetic surgical procedure. Plastic surgeons must be aware of the possible risks and complications of each cosmetic and reconstructive procedure to be able to avoid it as much as possible, and address problems as they arise. There are certain plastic surgery procedures that can be safely performed in an out-patient clinic or hospital. Your surgeon must be knowledgeable about safe out-patient procedures, and the surgical center must be fully-equipped and accredited by the Department of Health. For combined or extensive procedures, patients are best managed in hospitals.

Cosmetic procedures commonly performed:
Facial Procedure Philippines
  • Forehead Lift
  • Face Lift
  • MACS Lift
  • Temporal Lift
  • Brow Lift
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Slit Eye Surgery or Double Eye Lid (also known as upper blepharoplasty)
  • Eye bag  removal (also know as lower Blepharoplasty)
  • Rhinoplasty (also known as nose job)
  • Tip plasty
  • Alar Trimming/Plasty
  • Nose Lift (Goretex or Silicon Implant)
  • Ear Surgery or Ear Reshaping
  • Otoplasty
  • Mentoplasty
  • Chin Augmentation
  • Fat Graft or FAMI
  • Dimple Assignment

Body Contouring Philppines
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Lipoabdominoplasty (also known as Saldania Technique)
  • Liposuction
  • Buttocks Augmentation with Implant
  • Buttocks Augmentation with Fat Graft
  • Brazilian Butt Lift
  • Buttocks Lift
  • Arm Lift
  • Thigh Lift

Breast Enahncement Philippines
  • Breast Augmentation with implant(also known as augmentation mammoplasty)
  • Breast Reduction (also known as Reduction Mammoplasty)
  • Breast Lift (also known as Mastopexy)
  • Breast Lift with implant
  • Breast Reconstruction
  • Nipple Reduction
  • Areola Reduction
  • Nipple and Areola Reconstruction

Minimally Invasive Procedure Philippines
  • Botox injection
  • Filler Injection
  • Mesobotox
  • Spider Vein
  • Chemical Peel
  • Dermabrassion

  • Cleft Lip Surgery (also known as Cheiloplasty)
  • Cleft Palate Surgery (also known as Palatoplasty)
  • Breast Reconstruction
  • Scar Revision
  • Mole Removal
  • Ear Reconstruction
  • Earlobe Repair

Cosmetic procedures in the Philippines are affordable when compared to other countries like the United State of America (USA), United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, and Australia. Because of this, a lot of prospective clients who are interested in physical enhancement can avail of the services of a certified and fully trained Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon at a much lower cost.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Tummy Tuck Philippines: Benefits of Abdominoplasty and How It's Done

It is rather an important need to pamper ourselves after months of slaving from a high octane work! Added to this are the pressures that our lives often get entangled to. But first things first!  We need to get abreast about the safest and newest approaches on aesthetic surgery to find out which one is the best for you!  A known writer and priest once said, “We don’t see that of which we do not have concept of.”

Let’s start the ball rolling by familiarizing ourselves with one of the most commonly administered surgery procedure-- the tummy tuck. This is defined by the Oxford Reference Dictionary as an aesthetic procedure which aims to provide a flatter, narrower abdomen by excising skin and excess fat, generally by using a lower slanting abdominal mark. Put simply, this surgical procedure, levels out your stomach/ abdomen by removing wobbly, excess fat and skin and slimming down your muscles thus making it tighter or firmer within the abdominal wall.

Benefits Of Having A Tummy Tuck 

1. Enhanced Level of Confidence. The primary and most important benefit of a self enhancement procedure similar to tummy tuck is to reinforce the patient’s confidence and self-esteem by re-establishing a well enhanced and much proportioned frame.

2. Decrease or curtailment of stretch marks. Very near to the heart of post pregnancy stage is the elimination of stretch marks. And to date, this very unsettling concern can be medically treated by means of aesthetic surgery.

3. Elimination of floppy skin resulting to an improved body contour or body outline!
Aesthetic surgery has had a lot of amazing advancement and expanded to a number of modes of self-improvement in recent years that having a bulging tummy can be just a thing of the past ! A perfect body shape is within our reach here and now!

4.  A buoyant sense of suiting up daring & fitting clothes.
Suiting up in fashionable clothes is dramatically made real and facilitated with effortlessness considering you are fabulously renewed!

Tummy Tuck Philippines

Overall, a comprehensive abdominoplasty adhere to the steps aforementioned below. It goes without saying that the procedure is performed under general anaesthesia.

• Firstly, a cut from hip to hip -- just directly above the pubic area.
• Secondly, a new cut is made to open the tummy button from the neighbouring skin.
• Thirdly, the skin is meticulously separated from the abdominal wall to facilitate access to the muscles and the fascia to be made firmer.
• Last but not the least, just like any surgical procedure, a dressing is applied to collect superfluous fluid from the aforementioned area.

The final result is a new you! Give or take a week or two, you should be posing proud and fittingly poised with a renewed and trimmer body outline!!!

Check out real results and watch our video

Watch On YouTube : Tummy Tuck Philippines Before and After Photo Gallery

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Rhinoplasty For Men

Cosmetic surgery for men has become more mainstreamed as its acceptance grows in a wider array of races, ethnicities and ages among males. So many men are now opting for it. From 1998 to 2011, it increased to about 121%. Advancement in these procedures has responded to the increasing demand and along with it, men’s outlook on cosmetic surgery has continued to change over the years.

One of those highly in-demand procedures for men is Male Rhinoplasty or also known as Noselift . It is the nose that occupies the very center of your face and can compliment you from your other attractive features like your lips and eyes. The perfect nose is the one that is not too small or too big; the less noticeable it is, the better.

Rhinoplasty for men can help males have better confidence in terms of facial looks by creating a nose that’s more compatible with the rest of your facial features. It is also design to increase or reduce the size of your nose and reshape its tip and the nostril. More importantly, it helps you have proper breathing and restores the other functions of your nose by correcting some nasal deformities due to injury or congenital problems. All in all, you will be able to attain harmony in your entire face while still retaining its cultural and individual uniqueness.


Consultation with a certified surgeon before undergoing the surgery is very important. It will include the discussions on what you want to be done with your nose, your medical history, your fitness to undergo the procedure, your expectations and how the surgeon will obtain the best results for you. Some surgeons are using computerize imaging system to help you visualize the final result.

The Procedure

Men Rhinoplasty can be carried out on males from aged 16 years; this is because males’ noses don’t stop growing until they are 16. This procedure can be done under local or general anesthetic depending on your personal preference and the extent of the surgery. This operation can take about one to two hours and is usually performed on an out-patient basis.

Close and Open Rhinoplasty

The open method is done by making an incision across your skin between the nostrils. Internal structures are then easily worked on but the swelling may take some time to subside.

The close method however, does not involve an incision on the outer tissue of your nose and can easily heal because the tissues are less disrupted.

Incisions made during procedures aim to reduce scaring so they are usually done inside the perimeter of your nostrils. The soft tissues are separated from the primary structure. The bone and cartilage of the nose are then reshaped to get the desired structure. The nostrils can also be narrowed or widened according to your need. In some cases, the nose appears crooked or asymmetrical and can have a noticeable disfigurement or bump, which can be modified by the surgeon if needed.

Though male rhinoplasty does not affect your career achievements and work ethics, even the smallest nose improvement can significantly increase your demeanor and confidence, allowing you to become more focused on obtaining your personal goals.

Read about the Types of Rhinoplasty and visit our website here.

Post Operative Care 

Pain after the procedure is supposed to be minimal. Any pain can be controlled by mild analgesics. Nose reduction procedure may require a nostril packing or nose splint to support the shape until it heals. Any stitches applied are self dissolving and the possibility of blood loss may occur that’s why the gauze packing may need to be changed.

Swelling may be present after the procedure but will gradually subside after several weeks. Application of cold compress can help reduce the swelling around the area of the eyes. The numbness of your nose is possible depending on the extent of the surgery that was done. Usually, your nose should be healed within few weeks, but this length of healing time depends also on your ability to heal. You must use sunscreen as your nose will be sensitive in the sun when you go outside. You can do light works already in about two days, or as your healing ability allows it.

Possible Risks

Along with any operations are possibilities to have some unexpected risk. Possible risks like numbness, scarring, infection and unhappiness with the final result may occur. Good screening and having it with a certified cosmetic surgeon who is operating in a clean and good place will minimize the possibility of these risks of happening to you.

Get to know more about Rhinoplasty Philippines by visiting

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Augmentation Rhinoplasty by The Renewed You Aesthetic Clinic, Philippines

There are several reasons why people opt for rhinoplasty or nose enhancement like nose lift, tip plasty, alar trimming, alar plasty, nose reshaping, alar reshaping, cartilage rhinoplasty, reduction rhinoplasty and in-fracture rhinoplasty. A number of them choose this procedure to enhance their overall appearance, since a person's nose profile, nasal tip projection and alar width should complement and in harmony with other facial structures. It is a fact that our nose is one of the focal or central structures of the face that people generally see and often it may affect the way people may communicate with others and social acceptance .

For more before and after rhinoplasty patient's photos please visit our Rhinoplasty Philippines Before and After Rhinoplasty Photo Gallery

Friday, February 12, 2016

Facelift - Pre and Post Operative Surgery Tips For Facelift Procedure

For those who have decided to undergo a facelift, there are many things to do before the surgery to make sure or to have a smooth and effective surgery and recovery period. Here are some things to do or to keep in mind before surgery day draws close.

Pre-Operative Surgery Tips

It is very important to have consultation, this may take one or more visit depending on patient's concerns. It is prudent to ask questions to your surgeon during this time so that you may know all your options and also to be able to know thoroughly what to expect before and after cosmetic surgery procedures . The surgeon will most likely have you undergo diagnostic test to determine your current general health and well being and if you're a physically qualified to undergo the procedure. It is also important to inform the surgeon of any medicines you are presently taking or any allergies as this may affect the result and safety of the procedure and recovery period. This would also be an excellent time to ask the surgeon of any questions and doubts concerning the procedure.

Subsequently, the surgeon will offer pre-operative instruction on what to do and complete before the surgery like fasting and body bath in the morning of surgery. It is crucial to adhere to these instructions down to the last detail and towards the final letter to avoid any complications and risks. It is important to stop taking blood-thinning medicines as this may trigger the risk of excessive bleeding during surgery and may lead to infection and delay healing.

Next, it would be best to quit smoking a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks prior to the surgery. Smoking will hamper the healing process or wound healing.

Lastly, it is best to prepare the house to get a comfortable recovery period. It is best to clean the bedroom and position important items within reach such as medical supplies and medications. However will be best to ask relative or have a private nurse to assist you with your needs during early recuperation. Therefore, it would be best to buy medical supplies in advance. It is best to prepare and store up food within the freezer which can effortlessly be heated and saves the difficulty of food preparation. Undergoing facelift in the Philippines is indeed a major decision and thorough  preparation ought to be done to ensure a seamless operation and recovery.

Post-Surgery Tips

Facelift is among the leading 10 surgical procedures carried out within the US. Increasingly more people desire to have a youthful look and determine to undergo this cosmetic process. For those who have decided to undergo this surgery, right here are some post-surgery tips for facelift.

After the surgery, it ought to be expected that the patient will experience some swelling, discomfort, pain and bruising. It is best to possess or buy necessary pain medicines prior to surgery and have it on hand. Bruising usually transient and goes away on its own following a week or two. Swelling may be controlled and lessened by applying cold compress on the surgical site for 20 minutes every hour. Nevertheless, it should to be remembered not to put ice directly on the wound, rather wrap it inside a clean soft plastic bag and wrap it around a clean cloth or towel. Additionally, it best to sleep in an elevated head position to reduce swelling. Patients are advise to rest for 2 to 3 days with head above chest level and with two pillow at bedtime to help decrease swelling.

Throughout the recovery period, it is very best to wear button-down shirts so that it's easier to wear and remove. Wearing shirts that go over the head could only be discomforting and may disrupt sutures or surgical staples and dressing, this may also affect the healing process.

Subsequently, proper wound care ought to be practiced to prevent infection and scarring. Once the sutures are removed, its best to apply topical antibiotic cream to lessen the risk of infection and protect scars from drying out. The patient ought to be as gentle as possible when cleaning the face, avoiding scratching or scrubbing, as this would only hamper the healing procedure.

Lastly, it is crucial to adhere to all post-operative guidelines given by the physician to make sure that there will be an uneventful recovery. However, the recovery period differs from patient to patient. Nevertheless, by following the above mentioned tips, one can speed up the healing and recovery process for a facelift.

For more information on Face lift,face lift Philippines, face lift before and after in the Philippines,affordable face lift cost in the Philippines, good face lift surgeon in the Philippines, you may visit

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Breast Augmentation - Breast Implant Procedure

Breast augmentation, technically known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that enhances the size and shape of a woman's breast with the use of breast implant (silicon or saline). The procedure also enhances breast contour and volume after pregnancy. Breast implant is composed of silicon gel or saline within a silicon shell. Breast implant is different from silicon oil. Most Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon all over the world doesn’t do silicon oil injection of breast to enhance breast size and volume. This technique is condemned both locally and internationally by most surgeon, since the result are unpredictable and compounded by numerous complications such as extrusion, skin necrosis and infection. Patients should not allow them self to be subjected to this procedure, because the risk for unwanted complication is very high and result are deforming or unpredictable. Most surgeon uses Breast Implant which is composed of material that is non toxic, non allergenic, non teratogenic and biocompatible to human tissues and thus have less risk for any unwanted results and with more predictable outcome.

This is one of the most common cosmetic procedures done world wide specially in the United State. It is a straight forward procedure with a very instantaneous and pleasing result. Because of this, the public's attention and interest focused on the search of a very safe breast implant material. Breast Augmentation is the only procedure in Cosmetic Plastic Surgery specialty that is the surrounded by controversy and scrutiny. In the past, specially during the late 70's and early 80's a lot of medical condition such as breast cancer and autoimmune disease, was wrongfully associated with the use of silicon implant. Because of this the US Food and Drug Administration had regulated the use of silicon breast implant for cosmetic breast procedures until recently in mid 2007. After extensive clinical research study that included more than a thousand breast augmented women, it was found out that silicon breast implant does not cause any malignant disease or breast cancer or any autoimmune disorder. Because of this the US - FDA had approve the use of silicon implant in cosmetic breast procedure.

There are 2 basic types of breast implants, saline or silicon implants. The implant is compose of an outer membrane compose of silicon shell. This shell contains either saline (fluid) or silicon (cohesive gel) material. It is prudent for every patient to discus extensively the advantage and disadvantage of each implant type with their surgeon before they finalize their decision.

I perform my Breast Augmentation procedure under deep sedation with local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The procedure can be done either as an outpatient surgery or patient can be admitted or confine for a day or two in a hospital, depending on the surgeon and patient's preference. Weather the procedure will be performed as an Out-Patient or as a Hospital procedure, preoperative laboratory and medical clearance is required. The surgery usually takes one to two hours to complete. The breast implant can be inserted through an incision at armpit or breast folds or at the areolar border. Each choice of incision site has its own advantage and disadvantage in terms of scar cosmesis and nipple sensation. And among the three incisions the transaxillary approach has the best scar cosmesis since it is concealed and nipple sensation is well preserve. But it is advisable to the patient to further discus this issue if ever scaring will be a significant concern. After the procedure there will be some swelling and mild bruising that last for several days to few weeks and this is only a transient changes. Patient is required to wear breast binder for 3 to 6 weeks. This will hold the breast implant in place during the healing process and also help control the swelling. Sutures are removed after 7 to 10 days.

Any patient planning to have this procedure will require 10 to 14 days for the initial consultation, laboratory, medical clearance, surgery; follow up, suture removal and early recuperation. After this patient is safe to travel since wounds are dry and healed.